List of publications
45. European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, Ilo, A., Rossi, J., Gallego Amores, S. et al., Energy communities' impact on grids – Energy community embedment increasing grid flexibility and flourishing electricity markets, Ilo, A.(editor), Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
44. European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, A. Iliceto, N. Samovich, N. Souza e Silva, A. Ilo, Hydrogen’s impact on grids – Impact of hydrogen integration on power grids and energy systems, Publications Office of the European Union, July 2023.
43. H. Bruckner, A. Ilo, M. Olofsgard, M. Adamcova, Viable LINK-based Energy Community: Increasing Flexibility and Resilience of Electricity Infrastructure. CIRED, 12-15 June, 2023, Rome, Italy.
42. A. Ademollo, A. Ilo, C. Carcasci, End-use sector coupling to turn customer plants into prosumers of electricity and gas. CIRED, 12-15 June, 2023, Rome, Italy.
41. S.G. Amores, E. Hillberg, A. Iliceto, E. Mataczyńska, A. Ilo, How can flexibility support power grid resilience through the next level of flexibility and alternative grid developments. CIRED, 12-15 June, 2023, Rome, Italy.
40. A. Ilo, H. Bruckner, M. Olofsgard, M. Adamcova, A. Werner, Viable Fully Integrated Energy Community Based on the Holistic LINK Approach. Energies 2023, 16, 2935.
39. A. Ademollo, A. Ilo, C. Carcasci, The holistic view of the energy systems promotes the increase of prosumer flexibility by coupling electricity and gas infrastructures. IEWT 2023, 15-17 February, Vienna, Austria.
38. H. Bruckner, A. Ilo, M. Adamcova, K. Bhat, Fully Integrated Energy Communities and their Implications for the Power Grid and Market Structure, IEWT 2023, 15-17 February, Vienna, Austria.
37. European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, O. Bernstrauch, C. Herce, et al., Coupling of heating/cooling and electricity sectors in a renewable energy-driven Europe, A. Wiedermann (editor), M. Calderoni.(editor), Publications Office of the European Union, September 2022.
36. European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, E-mobility deployment and impact on grids : impact of EV and charging infrastructure on European T&D grids : innovation needs, Gallego Amores, S.(editor), Publications Office of the European Union, August 2022.
35. A. Ademollo, End-use sector coupling to better utilize utilise rooftop PVs by producing and injecting green methane into the low-pressure natural gas grid, September 2022, University of Florence, Italy.
34. H. Bruckner, M. Adamcova, A. Ilo and A. Werner, INTERACT -Integration of Innovative Technologies of PEDs into a Holistic Architecture, Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2022, 4-6 July, Prague, Czech Republic.
33. A. Ilo, H. Bruckner, M. Olofsgard, M. Adamcova, Deploying e-mobility in the INTERACT energy community to promote additional and valuable flexibility resources for secure and efficient grid operation, CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems, 2-3 June 2022, Porto, Portugal.
32. European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, Flexibility for resilience : how can flexibility support power grids resilience?, I. Oleinikova (editor), A. Iliceto (editor), E. Hillberg (editor), 2022.
31. Ph. Kodritsch, Planning and grid integration of a thermochemical plant for the production of green hydrogen from biomass and electrolysis in combination with photovoltaics, April 2022, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.
30. A Ilo, D-L Schultis A Holistic Solution for Smart Grids based on LINK– Paradigm, Springer 2022, 340. ISBN: 978-3-030-81529-5.
29. D-L Schultis, A Ilo Boundary voltage limits" - an instrument to increase the utilization of the existing infrastructures CIRED 2021 (Online), London, UK, 5 S.
28. D-L Schultis, A. Ilo Effect of Individual Volt/var Control Strategies in LINK-Based Smart Grids with a High Photovoltaic Share. Energies 2021, 14, 5641.
27. D-L Schultis, A. Ilo Increasing the Utilization of Existing Infrastructures by Using the Newly Introduced Boundary Voltage Limits. Energies. 2021; 14(16):5106.
26. ETIP SNET Position Paper Smart Sector Integration, towards an EU System of Systems: Building blocks, enablers, architectures, regulatory barriers, economic assessment. April 2021.
25. D.-L. Schultis, S. Petrusic, A. Ilo "Modelling of low voltage grids with high PV share for medium voltage grid analysis." CIRED, 22.-23. September 2020, Berlin, Germany, 1-4.
24. A. Ilo, "Use cases in Sector Coupling as part of the LINK-based holistic architecture to increase the grid flexibility." CIRED, 22.-23. September 2020, Berlin, Germany, 1-4.
23. A. Ilo, "Design of the Smart Grid Architecture According to Fractal Principles and the Basics of Corresponding Market Structure. " Energies 2019, 12, 4153.
22. D.-L. Schultis, A. Ilo, "Behaviour of Distribution Grids with the Highest PV Share Using the Volt/Var Control Chain Strategy." Energies 2019, 12, 3865.
21. S. Petrusic, "Impact of locally controlled distributed generation on the total behaviour of LV and MV Link_Grids." M.S. thesis, Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives, June 2019, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.
20. A. Ilo, R. Prata, A. Iliceto, G. Strbac, "Embedding of Energy Communities in the unified LINK-based holistic architecture." CIRED, 3.-6. June 2019, Madrid, Spain, 1-5.
19. D.-L. Schultis, "Comparison of Local Volt/var Control Strategies for PV Hosting Capacity Enhancement of Low Voltage Feeders." Energies 2019, 12, 1560.
​18. ETIP SNET, White Paper “Holistic architectures for power systems.” 8 March 2019, 1-54.
17. A. Ilo, D.L. Schultis, "Low-voltage grid behaviour in the presence of concentrated var-sinks and var-compensated customers.” Elsevier, Electric Power Systems Research Journal, Vol. 171, June 2019, p. 54-65.
​16. D.L. Schultis, A. Ilo, “A new Volt / var local control strategy in low-voltage grids in the context of the LINK-based holistic architecture.” IEWT, 13.-15. February 2019, Vienna, Austria, p.1-11.
15. D.L. Schultis, A. Ilo, C. Schirmer, “Overall performance evaluation of reactive power control strategies in low voltage grids with high prosumer share.” Elsevier, Electric Power Systems Research Journal, Vol. 168, March 2019, p. 336-349.
14. A. Ilo, D.L. Schultis, C. Schirmer, “Effectiveness of Distributed vs. Concentrated Volt/var Local Control Strategies in Low-Voltage Grids.” Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1382, p. 1-21.
13. D.L. Schultis, A. Ilo, C. Schirmer, “Evaluation of different local var control strategies in low voltage grids.” CIRED Workshop, 7-8 June 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 1-4.
12. A. Ilo, C. Schirmer, D.L. Schultis, "Robust holistic architecture for smart power systems.” CIRED Workshop, 7-8 June 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 1-4.
11. D.L. Schultis, A. Ilo, “Discrimination of prosumers by local control of photovoltaic inverters.” Smart Energy Systems Week Austria (SESWA), 14-18 Mai 2018, Vienna, Austria (Poster).
10. D.L. Schultis, "Volt/var behavior of low voltage Grid-Link in European grid type." M.S. thesis, Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives, 2017, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.
9. A. Ilo, "Demand Response Process in Context of the Unified LINK-Based Architecture-" In: Bessède JL. (eds) Eco-design in Electrical Engineering. ED2E 2017. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 440. Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-58171-2.
8. A. Ilo, "Are the Current Smart Grid Concepts Likely to Offer a Complete Smart Grid Solution?" Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Journal, Vol. 08, No. 07, 2017, pp. 252 - 263.
7. A. Ilo, "Minimization of exchanged data on the TSO-DSO cross border by application of a new operation architecture." CIGRE International Colloquium, 2-3 November 2016, Philadelphia, USA, pp. 1-6.
6. A. Ilo, "Effects of the Reactive Power Injection on the Grid - The Rise of the Volt/var Interaction Chain.” Smart Grid and Renewable Energy - Journal - Scientific Research Publlishing, Vol. 07, 2016, pp. 217-232.
5. A. Ilo, “Link- the Smart Grid Paradigm for a Secure Decentralized Operation Architecture.” Electric Power Systems Research - Journal – Elsevier, Volume 131, 2016, pp. 116-125.
4. A. Ilo, W. Gawlik, W. Schaffer.R. Eichler, „Uncontrolled reactive power flow due to local control of distributed generators.” CIRED, 15-18 June 2015, Lyon, France, pp. 1-5.
3. A. Ilo, W. Gawlik, „The way from Traditional to Smart Power Systems.“ 9. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, IEWT 11-13 February 2015, Vienna, Austria, pp. 1-7.
2. A. Ilo, „The Energy Supply Chain Net.“ Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 5 No. 5, 2013, pp. 384-390.
1. A. Ilo, W. Schaffer, T. Rieder, I. Dzafic, „Dynamic Optimization of Distribution Network – Closed loop operation results." VDE Kongress, 5-6 November 2012, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 1-6.